Are you being held back by yourself?
You’ve always been the type of person to make things happen, and your business success has happened organically out of your own personal growth. But now it feels confined by your own personal limitations.
You know you need to do some serious thinking about the long-term – about what you ultimately want for your business and yourself.
But you haven’t had the time.
You struggle with how to think that way, and when you do have the time, you always choose to do something other than sit down and try to think about what you want your life to look like in five years. .
It’s funny how people think that because you’re a business owner you can just sit down, do some journaling and figure things out…
The truth is, just because you’re running your business doesn’t mean you have the tools to do the work, and you feel like you’re not going to be able to get the clarity you need on your own.
It’s time to clarify what success looks like for you versus what society tells you it should look like.
And you don’t have to do it alone.
Right now, things are working but you want them to be better than just working – you want to feel excited. You want to feel like there’s progress being made and purpose behind what you’re doing – not just in your business, but in all aspects of your life.
You want to know where you’re going and have the compass to keep you on track
You want the relief of always knowing if you’re on the right path or not
You want decisions to be easy because it’s clear what’s going to bring you closer to your Vision and what’s going to take you farther away
You want to feel confident about your priorities because you know what’s most important
You want to feel grounded in who you are so you can better understand your boundaries
“If you don’t want change in your life, don’t do it, but if you feel like there’s something bigger and better for you, then this will get you there faster than anything else you could possibly do. ”
“ If you don’t invest time upfront on your Vision you will waste so much time chasing after things that get you farther away from where you really want to go.”
-International Sales Trainer Bill Caskey
That’s exactly why I created
The 8 Week Clarity Accelerator
A self-paced Visioning program for driven leaders so you can clarify what you ultimately want for your whole life (not just your business), create the roadmap to get there, and gain an internal compass to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities along the way.
This program brings together my proven, step-by-step Visioning process, an intimate group of fellow leaders and access to personalized feedback, guidance, and support from me. All on one *actually* private platform where you can ask me anything on a daily basis, or join weekly office hours for facetime with me and fellow Visionaries.
You’ll walk away with clarity on what you ultimately want (personally, professionally, financially, spiritually – if that resonates with you! –- and in your relationships) and the roadmap to get there.
The 8 Week Clarity Accelerator Includes:
Structured Process
Lifetime access and all future updates to video modules that provide you with each step of the exact same proven process I’ve guided leaders through around the world for over 9 years. That means you don’t have to waste time and energy reinventing the wheel and you can dive right into the process. .
Inspired Community
Lifetime access to a community of fellow Visionaries so you’re surrounded by a private group of fellow leaders to learn and grow alongside. Engage as much as you like with other inspiring people on the same journey, who understand your challenges and want to help celebrate your wins.
Personal Guidance
Lifetime access to personalized feedback and support from me so you get expert guidance on every single step of the process. Get the most out of your Accelerator and know you never have to go it alone.
Let’s dive deeper
• This week you’ll discover how to avoid the trap that leaves 97% of leaders stuck in uncertainty, learn exactly how to transform overwhelm into clarity, and ask the ONE question you need to feel confident about your decisions.
• Find out the Four Key Components of an Effective Vision so you can get the most out of this program.
• Internalize the simple way to shift from reactive to proactive decision-making so you can naturally become more intentional about creating the future you ultimately want.
• You know yourself, but you’ve never had a chance to think about all your patterns in one sitting.
• Clarifying your most powerful patterns and how they show up in your life will bring you the self-awareness you need to get really grounded in who you are, where you came from, what works for you and what doesn’t.
• This boosted self-awareness leads to a better understanding of your boundaries so you can set them and protect them more effectively.
• You already have a sense of your Values, but you’ve never really articulated them.
• Distilling your personal guiding principles will help you clarify how you want to show up in the world so you can call yourself back to that when life happens and make decisions accordingly.
• You’ll also be gauging your current level of alignment with those guiding principles this week, which means you’ll know where the gaps are and how to narrow them.
• Wherever you’ve gone and whatever you’ve done, you’ve always had an impact.
• As a result, it’s easy to get caught up in all your roles - professional and personal, and easy to forget that your worth comes from who you are at the core, not just what you do.
• This week will help you articulate your purpose in a way that decouples your identity and your roles, transcends your work and distills what a fulfilling life is really all about for you at the end of the day.
• The conventional markers of success are talked up everywhere, but checking off the boxes in life just isn’t enough for you.
• You want to decide what success looks like to you, not what someone else says it should look like.
• Clarifying the non-negotiable for your future will help you get really honest with yourself about what’s really most important to you and what you need in life to be (at the risk of sounding schmaltzy) thriving.
• When you get to this week, you’ve peeled back enough layers that your Vision will just flow out onto your workbook page, and when it does, you’ll be thinking that powerful thought “wow, I really DO know what I want.”
• You’ll know exactly what you want your life to look like in 3 years. it will be so unbelievably clear that you’ll be able to transport yourself into it and visualize the direction you’re going.
• And, now that you’ve learned how to Vision you’ll have that tool in your back pocket all the time. Visionaries tell me how it’s become an integral part of the way they live their life; whether planning a birthday party or a major project.
• Getting the first draft of your Vision on paper is exciting, and it’s also a little all over the place.
• This week your Vision becomes even powerful when you flesh it out and bring all the pieces together. You’ll add inspiration to parts of your draft that are more cerebral, and make sure the aspirational parts are also strategically sound.
• Now that you’ve gotten the clarity you need, you want to communicate it to key people in your life to truly solidify it– to your family and friends, your team, and other key advisors and mentors in your life. That’s where my Sharing Plan comes in, so you’ll know exactly who, when, where and how to share your Vision most effectively.
• You’ve been inspired before by plans you’ve created, ideas you’ve jotted down and notes you’ve taken at conferences, but they’re gathering dust right now.
• That’s why we work backwards from your Vision this week and create the Roadmap to get there so you know exactly what to do tomorrow, next week and next month to start making your Vision a reality.
• You’ll have clarity on which of your priorities to focus on now and which ones to focus on down the road so you know what to drive towards and when.
• With intention comes speed, and this week you’ll start to experience how quickly things fall into place when you’ve got clarity on where you’re going, why you’re taking the journey and how to get there.
So what’s all this cost?
You could keep going through your day-to-day like you are now - everything would be fine, but 8 weeks from now you would still be feeling stuck and indecisive. Your Vision would still be murky but you’d still keep choosing to do anything but sit down and think about what you ultimately want. In the words of one of my clients, “the reason people don’t get a lot accomplished is because they’re sitting around trying to figure out “what am I supposed to do next?”, and that’s a question you still wouldn’t know the answer to.
You could feel the relief of knowing that what you’ve been wanting is RIGHT HERE. You don’t have to wait and you DON’T have to do this alone. I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way.
I know you love a good process - one that takes all the guesswork out of a nebulous concept like Visioning and breaks it down into proven steps that will get you the clarity you’ve been wanting and the roadmap to get there.
Why waste another day wondering how to figure out what you ultimately want?
30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee
Because I believe so fully in this program, I'm proud to honor the True North Visionaries Promise
If you’re not happy, I’m not happy.
If you end feeling that this program did not help you achieve clarity, you’re protected by my 30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee
To eliminate the risk for you, the 8 Week Clarity Accelerator comes with my unconditional No-Hassle 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
If for ANY reason you decide this program isn’t giving you what you need, just let us know within 30 days of your purchase and we’ll refund 100% of your hard-earned money, no questions asked.
Hi! I’m so glad you’re here.
If we haven't met yet, I’m Lois, and for over 9 years I’ve been helping driven leaders like you all around the world gain clarity on what they ultimately want and create the roadmap to get there.
Back when I was 25, I wrote my first five year Vision, and clarity has been my trusted internal compass ever since.
My Vision is why I started my business and didn’t give up on it even when it was really hard to be a one-woman show. It has helped me create a really fulfilling and flexible life and navigate my depression and anxiety. It has reminded me to live within my means as my income has grown and allowed me to become debt-free. and It kept me from getting engaged to the wrong guy and ultimately marrying the man I wrote about in my Vision.
Now, I am so excited to share the exact same proven, step-by-step process with you.
THIS is what you’ve been looking for, and it gives me goosebumps to know that you don’t have to wait any longer to stop feeling held back and start creating the life you want.
Here’s how to know if you’re a perfect fit:
I recommend looking somewhere else if:
You’re looking for a magic pill, a silver bullet or a quick fix.
You’re not ready to do this work.
You’re need industry-specific expertise and could benefit from an executive coach in your field.
We’re a great match if:
You’re willing to be honest with yourself.
You’re driven.
You’re seeking a structured process and a trusted guide.
The program starts as soon as you decide you don’t want to spend another day without clarity. It is a completely self-paced online program - you decide when you start and when you finish. The modules are designed to be completed in 8 weeks.
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited, lifetime access to this program across any and all devices you own.
Absolutely. There are no prerequisites to Visioning because every single step you need is included in this program. It’s a proven process that I’ve delivered all around the world, and you’ll be guiding you through the exact same exercises that I do when working with Visionaries individually and leading live workshops. People in this program say they gained more clarity than they knew was possible. And we’re not talking rainbows and butterflies. We're talking about clarity on their definition of success at a specific point in the future. I always say, I will help you write a Vision, but I will not help you write a fantasy so if you want the real deal, that's what you're going to get in this program. Plus, your registration comes with a no-hassle, no questions asked 30-day guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied I will refund every penny of your hard earned cash!
Since the Visioning process is holistic it transcends ages, stages, backgrounds and occupations. It’s about personal, professional, financial, spiritual (if spirituality resonates with you) and relational growth. I’ve Visioned with 15-year-olds in India and 85-year-olds in California. I’ve Visioned with people who run global organizations and people who retired years ago. I’ve Visioned with entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and entry-level staff. So what’s the common thread among Visionaries? They want to make their future happen instead of letting it happen to them. They’re doers and they’re ready to dive in. Sound like you?
One of the things people love about this program is that it allows them to go through the Visioning process at their own pace. The 8 Week timeframe is what I use with my individual clients and it allows Visionaries time to marinate and process between each module. If the one module each week for 8 weeks works for you, great! If you find yourself on a roll and complete multiple modules in a single day, great! Need to pause between modules because of a vacation or something else going on in your world? Great! You’ll find your Visioning groove, whatever that looks like for you. Each module takes an average of 1-2 hours to complete (meaning the whole 8 Week Clarity Accelerator can be completed in 10-20 hours), and I recommend blocking out time for each module so you can be distraction-free and get the most out of every exercise.
Some of the busiest people I know have completed this program soon after starting it, so rest assured it can be done! But let’s think about it. I always tell people that the Visioning process is intense and whether they want to complete it in one intensive day, or split the modules up over several weeks, it’s going to require their mental energy. If you’re completely exhausted by the end of the day and can’t imagine adding one more thing to your plate, then the answer is probably no, and you probably won't complete the program. But if the idea of gaining clarity actually gives you energy and you’re chomping at the bit to dive in, I have full faith you can make it happen! Plus, uncertainty is typically my clients’ biggest time-waster before they start the Visioning process, and gaining clarity actually ends up giving them time back in their lives. It all comes down to priorities.
P.S. If you know for a fact that you won’t complete this process unless I (proverbially) lock you in a Zoom room and guide you through every single step myself, we can do that! Just pick a time to chat >>here<< and we can talk more about my 8 Week Clarity Accelerator with VIP 1:1 Coaching. -
It might not be, and that’s okay! You can spend your money or you can invest it, and I’d only recommend buying this program if it truly feels like an investment. Ask yourself if closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be is worth it. Ask yourself the cost of not gaining clarity at this point in your life. And be honest with yourself about the answers. If you really want to get started but you’re just not in a place where $2497 is feasible right now, click >>here<< to get instant access to the DIY version of the 8 Week Clarity Accelerator. It’s important to clarify that the DIY version does *not* include guidance, support and feedback from me or a community of fellow leaders, but what it absolutely does include is lifetime access to every single module as well as any future updates I make to exercises. And remember, in the words of Robert Kiyosaki, author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” there are two ways to look at it: “I can’t afford it” or "how can I afford it?”
Of course! You can schedule time with me here (hyperlink to below):
Now, it comes down to this...
What is clarity worth to you?
You know you need to figure out what you truly want.
You KNOW there is something better for you.
When you join the 8 Week Clarity Accelerator, I’ll help you
save yourself the time and frustration of going it alone and staying stuck.
Click below for Instant Access and start creating your future today.
Imagine, it’s 8 weeks from now and you’re feeling energized, confident and relieved that you have an internal compass you can always turn to. You’re so grateful for trusting your gut and joining the 8 Week Clarity Accelerator Community. You did the work, peeled back the layers, and truly identified your core values and nonnegotiables. You enter into new challenging situations with the internal ease of knowing you’ll be able to handle anything that comes your way. You’re already on your way to living your Vision and you can finally answer that question, “what do you really want?”
Success Stories
None of this would have happened if I hadn’t found this process
Visioning has been the most life changing thing. I grew up in a small town in Alabama and now I'm checking my passport to see if I have enough places for stamps. The Learning Management in my system I wrote about in my Vision is now being used all over the world and I’m traveling for global impact. And now I take 4 family vacations a year instead of continuing to just work, work, work. None of that would have happened if I hadn't if I hadn't found this process.
Meaghan Chitwood, COO of InHome Therapy, Franchise Owner and Executive Director of BNI Alabama
I didn’t realize the stress and uncertainty that was building up and now feel a huge weight off my shoulders
This process has been more challenging, more personal and more rewarding than I imagined. I did not realize the stress and uncertainty that was building up in my business (and life!) because I did not have guiding principles, a driving purpose and a clear Vision. I feel a HUGE weight off my shoulders. This work is not frivolous - it is crucial.
Emily Duffelmeyer, Owner of Jean Jean Vintage
I’ve always cringed at vision exercises but now I have a vision to drive my decision-making
I've always cringed at vision exercises. It seemed like everyone else had a really great vision, but I didn't. I had things that I wanted to do -- of course -- and lots of tasks that I wanted to complete. But nothing to really tie it all together. That's why I loved taking Lois' program on creating a vision. I put in the work, and for the first time, I actually feel like I have a "put-together" vision to drive my decision-making (and to look forward to) over the next five years.
Amanda Grossman, Founder of