Meet Lois Weinblatt: Vision Coach, Consultant, International Speaker, & Facilitator
It all started with a question.
At 25 years old I was at a crossroads in my life and my career. Job change, big breakup, moving… All of the roads diverged at once.
I asked myself a scary question: “What do I want my life to look like in five years?”
I didn’t even know where I was going to be living in two months, envisioning exactly what I wanted for myself in five years seemed impossible.
There were two choices: I could let my future happen to me, and I would be fine. Probably great, even! Or, I could make my future happen. And it would be a lot harder, and a lot messier, but it would also be far more fulfilling and way more exciting.
Thanks to working with Zingerman’s Delicatessen in Ann Arbor Michigan, an incredible organization of Visionary leaders, I knew I had to go beyond imagining my future. I would need to articulate it, tease it out, boil it down, clarify it, and chart a roadmap to achieve it.
So I did what any 25 year old wants to do with their weekend. I locked myself in the apartment with my laptop, a pad of paper, colored pens, and lots of snacks. I cannot tell you how many drafts I wrote, tore up and threw away or how many documents I typed up and edited and deleted.
I peeled back the layers and asked myself many more scary questions. I took the time to find my core values and outline my Vision for every facet of my life: personal, professional, financial, spiritual and relational, for five years from that day.
Suddenly I had a compass, and it was empowering! It felt like I had a force field around me. With a guiding Vision, decision-making became easier, gratitude became more abundant, and the steps to make my Vision a reality were clear. I started to live my definition of success daily.
Even though it was so exciting to be moving forward with confidence, I also reflected on the fact that the whole process I’d just been through was really hard to do alone.
And True North Visionaries was born.
Now I’m into my third five year Vision, and providing people worldwide with a step-by-step process to clarify, refine and align their Vision is a very big part of it.
My driving purpose is to help people figure out theirs
I’ve had the opportunity to work with Visionaries all over the world over the past 9 years.
These driven, motivated leaders span industries and backgrounds, but they all have one thing in common:
They wanted to be proactive, they wanted to be intentional, and they wanted to create their future.
Since 2013 I’ve worked with…
Global companies that want to create a Visionary culture with every headquarters, regional and local directors on multiple continents.
I’ve worked with entrepreneurs who knew that distractions were holding them back, and small business owners who knew that alignment was the key to their next phase of growth.
I’m blessed to have had the chance to work with amazing young people in different countries who crafted Visions that were not just inspiring, but realistic.
Throughout that time I’ve spoken at global conventions, summits, and annual team offsites around the world.
But while being on stage is a blast, my favorite part of those events is always the conversations afterward. That’s when I get to talk with people about the crossroads they’re at, or the transitions they’re facing, or the growing pains they’re going through. So often they tell me they’ve been looking for something that will guide them through the Visioning process so they don’t have to figure out the step-by-step on their own.
And whether we end up talking for five minutes or working together for years, they give me the chance to live my Vision by helping them clarify theirs.
Thank you for being here 💙
With gratitude,