What is the Equation for Change?

What is the Formula for Change?

The Formula for Change, sometimes called the “change equation” or Equation for Change (which is the term I use), is the tipping point when a person becomes motivated enough to make a change in their life. On one side is change and resistance is on the other, like a seesaw. The idea is that if we have enough variables to tip the scales in favor of change (C), that change is going to take hold. If there's too much resistance (R), the change won’t take hold (looking at you, new year’s resolutions).

Using the visual of the seesaw, the question becomes “what tips the scales”? The variables in the middle.

C = D * V * F

Where (D * V * F) > R

Those variables are D, V and F.

D is Dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction is the gap between where you are and where you want to be. The wider the gap, the more frustrated and annoyed with your situation you become.

V stands for Vision. A picture of your future that is inspiring, motivating, and realistic.

Lastly, F, which is the First steps of action, how you're actually going to make that change happen. So when you put it all together, the idea is that change can really take hold when dissatisfaction multiplied by vision, multiplied by first steps of action are all greater than the resistance to that change. But since it's a multiplicative equation, if any of those three variables in the middle is a zero, it all zeros out.

Where did the Equation for Change come from?

The equation was developed by David Gleicher in the 1960s, and refined by Kathie Dannemiller in the 1980s. Today, we’ve refined it further to emphasize the Visioning process.

As we learn more about it, we realize this is an equation that applies to every change in our lives. Whether it's a big or small, personal or professional, what does it take to really have a change take hold in a sustainable way?

Equation for Change written on a piece of paper

How does it relate to Visioning?

The equation for change really is the visioning process itself. Visionaries usually enter this process because there is a change that you want to make. And there's a compelling reason that you’re dissatisfied enough to want to make that change now instead of six months from now, or two years from now.


That dissatisfaction is the gap between where you are and where you want to be. The visioning process is the act of gaining understanding of where you are now and where you want to be in the future. And there's no way that you can truly gauge your level of dissatisfaction until you have both sides. Most people start with, what do I want? but they don't actually gauge where they are now, so they never can really get a complete understanding of how big that gap is.


Going through that Visioning process gives value to that variable, whereas before it might have been a zero (unable to be inspired by the future). With a Vision, you've got a compelling definition of success at a specific point in the future. All of a sudden, you’re headed somewhere.

First steps of action

You've created your vision, you've refined it, you finalized it. Now we work backwards from that Vision and create the Roadmap to get there.

Recent social science shows how going through a process like this helps reduce the resistance to change in and of itself. So as you're going through the process, you're actually also reducing resistance to the change that you want to create just by going through the process itself.

you're really understanding where you are at with each of those variables instead of just kind of flying blind and throat trying to throw a goal against the wall.

What if the resistance is too great?

I had a Visionary who tried to get sober for years and years, trying over and over again. It wasn’t until something that dissatisfied her enough - missing a morning meeting due to a hangover - to inspire her to go cold turkey and quit altogether. She’s now been sober for siz years. But she knew that there was a sober version of herself in the future. She just was never dissatisfied enough to meet her. So what do you do when there's something else is going on? Like trauma or addiction or relationship dynamics?

How to know you’re ready

The first step is to step back. Take a look at these variables, which one or more of those variables in the center is “zero” right now? Is there is there enough dissatisfaction if we're really honest with ourselves? Is the Vision that compelling? Do you have an idea of what those first steps of action might be like? And even if you do have all those variables, like you said, is the resistance just too high? Is it too much energy or too much time or too much effort or too many resources, whatever it might be?

If the variables don’t add up to change, does it make sense for us to focus it right now?

When I work with clients, I’ll say, let's focus on a change that you do have all those variables lined up for so you can start to create some of that momentum, the kind of virtuous cycle where you're getting traction. Then, you can confidently go back to that other change that you've been wanting to create.

Recognize the reality of, do I want to try to put time and energy and effort and resources into a black hole? If something is zeroing it out, then it's just going to go into that zero, and nothing's going to change and it's gonna be really frustrating. Or, is there a change that I really want to create, that I can make happen that will be exciting and inspiring?

My Equation for Change moment

I see the Equation for Change in my own life every day, but one of the biggest moments was when I was in a relationship, and I already had the nonnegotiables for a partner in my Vision. I knew what they were and I knew deep down in my heart and soul that that was not happening in that relationship. But we were living together and it was there were so many different things tied up in that! What a logistical nightmare. Plus I really wanted it to work and I really, really wanted him to be the guy in my Vision.

But I knew. If I look myself in the mirror, if I was honest with myself, there was no way that I could pretend that he was really the partner in my vision. As time went on I just absolutely felt those scales tipping. The dissatisfaction was there. I definitely had a Vision of what it was going to look like with a new person but… also just not with him. I was looking forward to being single and continuing to pursue my Vision on my own.

There were a lot of logistics, but I wasn't gonna let that hold me back.

I refuse to feel like this anymore.

I refuse to continue to let this be my reality.

I just refused. I could totally live this out for the next 20 years and to be fine and but… why? When you get to that point of refusal, you’ll know you’re ready to do the hard parts.

Listen to your heart

Once you know about the Equation for Change, you start to see it in all different areas of your life. And you also start to recognize places in your life where you're starting to get really dissatisfied with the status quo.

I've written the Equation countless times on the back of napkins at the bar, on the back of receipts or jotted it down on a scrap sheet of paper just to talk it over with somebody. Now that you have it in your back pocket, know that you can use it as a lens for anything going on in your life, and create change when you’re ready.

To learn more about the Equation for Change and strategies for applying it to your life, check out my YouTube video on this subject here.