What is Lifebook and is it legit? Is it worth the money? Plus, how it compares to True North Vision programs.
How to feel sexier and improve your sex life as soon as today (with Visioning)
Prioritization: Your Vision becomes a decision-making filter
Break free of the Victim Trap, Complexity Trap, and Knower Trap with these tactics
Fear Mind Map: Overcoming fears by breaking them down [+free download]
When you get your fears into the light of day by putting your pen to paper, they lose the power they get from lurking – and intensifying – in the shadows of your mind.
You’ll also gain valuable insight into yourself, and your thought process, as you connect the dots and bring patterns to the surface.
From there you’ll have a newfound perspective on where your fears are really coming from, and instead of trying to push them away or feeling overwhelmed by them, you’ll be able to confront them head-on.
Vague goals: Being intentionally vague and extremely specific is key to achieving your Vision
Career Vision: How to use Visioning to get on a path to your dream career
How to clear your brain and make space in your mental inventory for more important things
Do you do this too? I leave all my emails on unread until I get to them. It’s like my virtual to-do list.
Here’s why that’s doubling the work for you and making your brain slow in every other aspect. If you’re looking to clear your brain fog and free up mental space for more important things, read this article.
What is the Shift Network and is it legit?
Three sales myths that are hurting your discovery calls and what to do instead
How to stick with your Vision and achieve your goals even in uncertainty
Invest time up front in your Vision and you'll use your time wisely every day
How to stop waiting to be happy and start living now
Do you ever tell yourself the lie, “I’ll be happy when _______”?
When you chase circumstances, you may feel out of control, as if there is constantly a new goal post or shiny object to be going after in order to feel fulfillment. Here’s how to stop putting your feelings in the hands of external forces.